Join and benefit from all the services of the APP
… including 24×7 direct access to the online platform to quickly and easily upload your digital creations, manage your contracts and your creative portfolio.
42 years of expertise
The APP (Agency for the Protection of Programs), European organization for the defense of authors and publishers of digital works, is an association law 1901.
Partner of creators in the digital environment, the APP has already assisted more than 17,000 members in the protection and management of their portfolio of digital creations, mainly professional (software, databases, websites, etc.).
As trusted third parties, the APP has become the reference organization in digital protection, for companies and institutions, but also for individuals in France and abroad. It acts as a third-party escrow agent, particularly in the context of escrow contracts, to reassure customers and partners about the sustainability of their investments.
More than a hundred decisions have recognised the APP’s right to take legal action, several of which come from criminal courts.
Creation of the APP
Creation of the InterDeposit EnvironmentFoundation of the legal protection solutions of the APP
Signatureof the 1st Investment Agreement
10,000th registered creation in the IDDN Directory
InterDeposit CorporateLaunch of the platform
Launch of the first APP webinars
InterDeposit WebLaunch of the platform
Our missions, our vocation
Creators or editors of digital works, APP has been assisting you since 1982.
In practice, although copyright protects your works from their creation, it is difficult to prove your rights and their infringement.
That is why the APP:

The APP is also a permanent member of WIPO (World Intellectual Property Office, Switzerland) and CSPLA (Superior Council of Literary and Artistic Property of the Ministry of Culture, France).
Our values
Confidentiality is very important for the APP which respects the will of its Members to protect their private information and their deposits.
In order to preserve the trust of its Members, the APP has implemented a confidentiality policy defined in the APP General Regulations and the Legal Notices on the website.
A team of specialists
As our businesses require both technical and legal expertise, our teams are made up of legal professionals, development engineers and experts with both legal and technical skills.
Our multidisciplinary experts are at your disposal to assist you in the protection of your portfolio of creations and to answer your legal, patrimonial, operational and commercial needs.

InterDeposit, 6 years of R & D in the service of proof
Since its creation, the APP has adopted a prospectivist approach in order to anticipate changes in business practices such as the digitization of procedures. The APP wondered how to dematerialise the filing process on the probation chain while guaranteeing the same level of reliability as that of the physical deposit.
The InterDeposit platform was designed in particular to respond to this challenge by providing APP members with innovative and secure solutions with the assurance that the processes are tamper-proof and can not be manipulated.
Thus, the InterDeposit software solution gives you an additional level of confidence and guarantees the confidentiality of data exchanges and the data itself.
Our Members safely deposit within the platform that meets the requirements of compliance with the General Safety Regulations (RGS).